Work with Final Fantasy 7 game data
CAchievementEditor | A QWidget editor for achievements.dat file from 2012 and 2013 release of Final Fantasy 7 |
CAES_ctx | |
CAkao | |
CAkaoIO | |
CArchive | Device list in a file system or an archive file |
CArchiveObserver | |
CCharEditor | Widget to allow editing of a character using FF7Char for data |
CChocoboEditor | |
CChocoboLabel | A Label to display a single chocobo's brief data |
CChocoboManager | |
CColorDisplay | |
CDialogPreview | |
CDirectoryRecord | |
CDirectoryRecordHead | |
CDoubleCheckBox | One text two checkable boxes |
CEncounterTableWidget | |
CFF7Achievements | Work with achievements.dat |
CFF7CHAR | Character Info in the save game |
CFF7Char | Data and Enums for Characters in Final Fantasy 7 |
CFF7CHOCOBO | Chocobo in save game |
CFF7DESC | Description of savegame used for previews |
CFF7FieldItemList | Data Class to allow the tracking and changing of items being picked up on the field |
CFF7Item | Information about items in FF7 |
CFF7ItemModel | |
CFF7ItemSingleton | |
CFF7Location | Info about field locations |
CFF7Materia | |
CFF7MateriaSingleton | |
CFF7Save | Edit saves from Final Fantasy 7 |
CFF7SaveInfo | |
CFF7SLOT | Main FF7 Save Data Structure |
CFF7String | The FF7String is a container class for FF7Text. Internally it stores the raw data and if the text is encoded in japanese |
CFF7Text | Convert ff7text <-> pc string |
CFF7TextSingleton | |
CFieldItem | |
CHexLineEdit | |
CImageGridWidget | |
CInfo | |
CIO | |
CIsoArchive | |
CIsoArchiveFF7 | |
CIsoArchiveIO | |
CIsoDirectory | |
CIsoFile | |
CIsoFileIO | |
CIsoFileOrDirectory | |
CIsoTime | |
CItemListView | |
CItemPreview | |
CItemSelectionDelegate | |
CItemSelector | |
CLgp | |
CLgpConflictEntry | |
CLgpHeaderEntry | |
CLgpIO | |
CLgpIterator | |
CLgpToc | |
CLgpTocEntry | |
CListWidget | |
CLocationViewer | Set Saves Location or View Field Locations and Toggle the items picked up from them |
CLZS | |
Cmateria | Materia format saved in materia list or on a character |
CMateriaEditor | MateriaEditor is a Widget that can be used to edit materia in the player's inventory or on a character |
CMenuListWidget | Easily manage the menus in Final Fantasy 7 |
CMetadataCreator | |
COptionsWidget | A Single widget to allow you to set all the options for the game will save emit a signal when any option changes |
COrientationWidget | |
CPathTable | |
CPhsListWidget | Easily manage the who can be in the phs |
CPsColor | |
CPsfFile | |
CPsfTags | |
CQLockedFile | |
CQTaskBarButton | |
CSaveIcon | PSX icon data as a QPixmap |
CSlotPreview | Preview a Single Slot on a Psx memory card or FF7 Save file |
CSlotSelect | Display a preview of the contents of a PSX memory card file or FF7 PC save |
CSplitter | |
CTblFile | |
CTblFileEntry | |
CTexFile | |
CTexStruct | |
CTextureFile | |
CTimFile | |
CVolumeDescriptor | |
CVolumeDescriptor1 | |
CVolumeDescriptor2 | |
CWindowBinFile | |
CWorldToField |