Work with Final Fantasy 7 game data

Building ff7tk

To build ff7tk you will a minimum of:

A Default Build of ff7tk will build:

  • A Required ff7tk Library (libff7tk.so, libff7tk.dylib, or ff7tk.dll)
  • All Additional Libraries ff7tkQtWidgets, ff7tkWidgets, ff7tkUtils and ff7tkFormats.
  • Headers for the libraries so you can link to them
  • Required CMake parts to find it post install.
  • Translation files "ff7tk_<lang>.qm" for supported languages
  • Documentation if doxygen was found on your system
  • Unit Test that will be run as part of the build process.


ff7tk Supports Several Build options Build Options:

Option Description Default Value Addtional Requirments
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Type of Build that is produced ReleaseWithDebInfo
DOCS Build Documentation ON doxygen
DEMOS Build The Demo Applications OFF
FORMATS Build ff7tkFormats ON
PACKAGE Enable Package target ON
FRAMEWORKS Build as Frameworks (EXPERMANTAL) OFF Mac Os Only
TESTS Build and run unit tests ON
UTILS Build ff7tkUtils. ON zlib
WIDGETS Build ff7tkWidgets. ON
SPLITPACKAGES Create Split Packages OFF
CLEAN_TRS Remove Obsolete Translation Entries OFF
SBOM_LINT Check the generated SBom for NTIA compliance OFF ntia-conformance-checker
SBOM_GRAPH Generate Sbom graph OFF [spsx-tools]
REUSE_LINT Check the project for reuse compliance OFF reuse

Enabling Demos will allow you to set this additional options all are enabled by default

Demo Description
WIDGET_GALLERY Build the Widget based gallery.
QML_GALLERY Build the QML based gallery.

Example cmake configuration. cmake -S. -Bbuild -DDEMOS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<INSTALLPREFIX>


After Configuring you Should be able to run make to build all targets.

cmake --build build


To test installation run DESTDIR=<installDIR> cmake --install build to install into <installDir>/<CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX>
Running cmake --install build will install to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX

Making ff7tk packages

ff7tk can generate several packages using cpack To generate packages build the package or package_source target example cmake --build build --target package package_source would generate both package and package source packages. Installing the Qt Installer Framework will allow ff7tk to create a QtIFW installer.

Using ff7tk in your project

After installing you can use in your cmake project by simply adding find_project(ff7tk) link with ff7tk::ff7tk

Additional Modules include

ff7tkData link with ff7tk::ff7tkData

ff7tkFormats link with ff7tk::ff7tkFormats

ff7tkUtils link with ff7tk::ff7tkUtils

ff7tkQtWidgets link with ff7tk::ff7tkQtWidgets

ff7tkWidgets link with ff7tk::ff7tkWidgets

ff7tk version info

ff7tk Versions are based on its git info. Failing this the project version is updated on every release. include the file ff7tkInfo.h and use the function.

  • ff7tkInfo::version() To get version info in to form of Major.minor.patch.tweak – tweak is Number of commits since the last tag release

ff7tk version compatibility

ff7tk versions with the same major and minor version are compatible. Building your project with an incompatible version can lead to API issues for this reason its HIGHLY recommend any CI jobs use a Release or specific COMMIT HASH when pulling ff7tk.


In addition to ff7tk's language files your application should also load and/or ship the qt_base_<lang>.qm these are required to translate strings from inside Qt libraries.

You can use ff7tkInfo::translationList to get a QMap<QString, QTranslation*> of all the auto detected language files. This will look in several places in the application directory and around the system to attempt to find them.

Deploying ff7tk with your app

When using ff7tk your project needs to ship the libraries ff7tk needs to run its recommended to run windepoyqt / macdeployqt on the ff7tk libs being used when you pack your application to be sure to get all the libs needed are deployed.

Item Depends

  • ff7tk – QtCore
  • ff7tkData – QtCore, QtXml, QtSvg, Svg Image plugin, Core5Compat
  • ff7tkQtWidgets – QtWidgets, QtGui
  • ff7tkWidgets – ff7tkData, ff7tkQtWidgets, QtWidgets, QtGui
  • ff7tkFormats – QtCore, QtGui, ff7tkUtils
  • ff7tkUtils – QtGui, ZLib

Sbom Generation

A Software Bill Of Materials will be generated and installed into share/ff7tk The SBOM is generated at install time and does not require any additional software on the build system Generating a graph or verifing the sbom is ntia compliant requires additonal software see the option table above.