enum | MateriaType {
} |
| The MateriaType enum - All the Materia Types. More...
enum | MateriaName {
MpPlus = 0x00,
HpPlus = 0x01,
SpeedPlus = 0x02,
MagicPlus = 0x03,
LuckPlus = 0x04,
ExpPlus = 0x05,
GilPlus = 0x06,
EnemyAway = 0x07,
EnemyLure = 0x08,
ChocoboLure = 0x09,
PreEmptive = 0x0A,
LongRange = 0x0B,
MegaAll = 0x0C,
CounterAttack = 0x0D,
SlashAll = 0x0E,
DoubleCut = 0x0F,
Cover = 0x10,
Underwater = 0x11,
HPMP = 0x12,
WMagic = 0x13,
WSummon = 0x14,
WItem = 0x15,
All = 0x17,
Counter = 0x18,
MagicCounter = 0x19,
MpTurbo = 0x1A,
MpAbsorb = 0x1B,
HpAbsorb = 0x1C,
Elemental = 0x1D,
AddedEffect = 0x1E,
SneakAttack = 0x1F,
FinalAttack = 0x20,
AddedCut = 0x21,
StealAsWell = 0x22,
QuadraMagic = 0x23,
Steal = 0x24,
Sense = 0x25,
Throw = 0x27,
Morph = 0x28,
Deathblow = 0x29,
Manipulate = 0x2A,
Mime = 0x2B,
EnemySkill = 0x2C,
MasterCommand = 0x30,
Fire = 0x31,
Ice = 0x32,
Earth = 0x33,
Lightning = 0x34,
Restore = 0x35,
Heal = 0x36,
Revive = 0x37,
Seal = 0x38,
Mystify = 0x39,
Transform = 0x3A,
Exit = 0x3B,
Poison = 0x3C,
Demi = 0x3D,
Barrier = 0x3E,
Comet = 0x40,
Time = 0x41,
Destruct = 0x44,
Contain = 0x45,
FullCure = 0x46,
Shield = 0x47,
Ultima = 0x48,
MasterMagic = 0x49,
ChocoMog = 0x4A,
Shiva = 0x4B,
Ifrit = 0x4C,
Ramuh = 0x4D,
Titan = 0x4E,
Odin = 0x4F,
Leviathan = 0x50,
Bahamut = 0x51,
Kujata = 0x52,
Alexander = 0x53,
Phoenix = 0x54,
NeoBahamut = 0x55,
Hades = 0x56,
Typhoon = 0x57,
BahamutZERO = 0x58,
KOTR = 0x59,
MasterSummon = 0x5A,
EmptyId = 0xFF
} |
| The MateriaName enum - Name to ID Enum. More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | name (const int id) |
| name - Name of materia More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | statString (const int id) |
| statString - Get the stat changes String for a materia More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | enemySkill (const int skill) |
| enemySkill - Get translated string of an enemy skill More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | masterCommandSkill (const int skill) |
| masterCommandSkill - Get translated string of the Master Command skill More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | masterSummonSkill (const int skill) |
| masterSummonSkill - Get translated string of the Master Summon skill More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | masterMagicSkill (const int skill) |
| masterMagicSkill - Get translated string of the Master Magic skill More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | element (const int id) |
| element - Get Elemental Type(s) for materia More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QStringList | skills (const int id) |
| skills - Get Skill for a materia More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QStringList | skillsForLevel (const int id, const int level) |
| skills - Get Skill for a materia at a given level More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE QStringList | addedEffects (const int id) |
| addedEffects - The Effects the materia can have when paried with "Added Effect" materia More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint8 | levels (const int id) |
| levels More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE int | materiaLevel (const int id, const quint32 ap) |
| materiaLevel - Returns the ap needed for a materia at a level More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint32 | apForLevel (const int id, const int level) |
| apForLevel - Returns the ap needed for a materia at a level More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint32 | apToMax (const int id) |
| apToMax More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint8 | strengthChange (const int id) |
| strengthChange - The Change to the Strength stat when materia is equipped More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint8 | vitalityChange (const int id) |
| vitalityChange - The Change to the vitality stat when materia is equipped More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint8 | magicChange (const int id) |
| magicChange - The Change to the magic stat when materia is equipped More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint8 | spiritChange (const int id) |
| spiritChange - The Change to the spirit stat when materia is equipped More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint8 | dexterityChange (const int id) |
| dexterityChange - The Change to the dexterity stat when materia is equipped More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint8 | luckChange (const int id) |
| luckChange - The Change to the luck stat when materia is equipped More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint8 | hpChange (const int id) |
| hpChange - The Change to the baseHp stat when materia is equipped More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint8 | mpChange (const int id) |
| mpChange - The Change to the baseMp stat when materia is equipped More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE int | type (const int id) |
| type Get Materia Type More...
static Q_INVOKABLE materia | encodeMateria (const int id, const qint32 ap) |
| encodeMateria encode a materia More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE int | materiaID (materia mat) |
| materiaID - The Id of a given materia More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint32 | materiaAP (const quint8 ap1, const quint8 ap2, const quint8 ap3) |
| materiaAP - Transform 3 bytes into a materia AP More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint32 | materiaAP (const materia mat) |
| materiaAP - read Ap from Materia type More...
static const Q_INVOKABLE qint32 | materiaAP (const quint8 ap[3]) |
| materiaAP - Transform array into Ap More...
static const QIcon | icon (const int id) |
static const QPixmap | pixmap (const int id) |
static const QImage | image (const int id) |
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | iconResource (const int id) |
static const QPixmap | pixmapEmptyStar (int id) |
static const QImage | imageEmptyStar (int id) |
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | emptyStarResource (int id) |
static const QPixmap | pixmapFullStar (int id) |
static const QImage | imageFullStar (int id) |
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | fullStarResource (int id) |
static const QIcon | iconAllMateria () |
static const QImage | imageAllMateria () |
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString | imageAllResource () |
static const Q_INVOKABLE QString & | placeHolderNameFilter () |
static const Q_INVOKABLE QList< int > | placeHolderIdList () |
static bool | isModID (int id) |
| isModID More...