Work with Final Fantasy 7 game data
CAES_ctx | |
CAkao | |
►CArchive | Device list in a file system or an archive file |
CArchiveObserver | |
CDirectoryRecord | |
CDirectoryRecordHead | |
CFF7CHAR | Character Info in the save game |
CFF7CHOCOBO | Chocobo in save game |
CFF7DESC | Description of savegame used for previews |
CFF7ItemSingleton | |
CFF7MateriaSingleton | |
CFF7SLOT | Main FF7 Save Data Structure |
CFF7String | The FF7String is a container class for FF7Text. Internally it stores the raw data and if the text is encoded in japanese |
CFF7TextSingleton | |
CFieldItem | |
CInfo | |
►CIO | |
►CIsoArchive | |
►CIsoFileOrDirectory | |
CIsoTime | |
CLgpConflictEntry | |
CLgpHeaderEntry | |
CLgpIterator | |
CLgpToc | |
CLgpTocEntry | |
CLZS | |
Cmateria | Materia format saved in materia list or on a character |
CPathTable | |
CPsColor | |
CPsfFile | |
CPsfTags | |
►CQAbstractTableModel | |
►CQDialog | |
►CQFile | |
►CQGroupBox | |
►CQIODevice | |
►CQLabel | |
►CQLineEdit | |
►CQObject | |
►CQScrollArea | |
►CQSplitter | |
►CQStyledItemDelegate | |
►CQTableView | |
►CQWidget | |
CTblFile | |
CTblFileEntry | |
CTexStruct | |
►CTextureFile | |
CVolumeDescriptor | |
CVolumeDescriptor1 | |
CVolumeDescriptor2 | |
CWindowBinFile | |
CWorldToField |